Why I would vote for McCain in 2008 - Why I don't always Vote Democrat - Should I vote Hillary? (PS and that's not Duff)
Thanks Linda. I'll check it out. On The Issues - Every Political Leader on Every Issue - http://www.issues2000.org/default.htm during the 2008 Presidential Race.
But, I base my Presidential vote on leadership qualities and experience verus Political Party labels and the issues. That is why I like John McCain. McCain has character and would be an excellent candidate. But, most importantly a Great Leader!!! Which this country needs in these difficult times.
In this 2008 race, the Republicans need to break their typical Conservative agenda. In order for the Republicans to get a fighting chance to win, the Republicans must moderate their stance and try to gander minority, women's votes, and special interest groups (environmentalist, elderly, former immigrants, voters pro and con on immigration, voters pro and con on abortion, etc.) Iraq will be a Major issue, but I believe voters will vote for the candidate most likely to meet their needs.
McCain’s ex-POW and war hero past shouldn’t bother or lose most voters support. The fact that McCain is a Republican “Maverick” (a Moderate Republican like Arnold) should help McCain to win some Democrat's votes. The Democrats don’t necessarily have the 2008 Presidential Election. This 2008 Presidential Election may appear like an Election the Democrats should win easily or an Election that is the Democrats to “lose”.
Remember in 2000 Gore had the popular vote. The Florida wobbling didn’t lose the Election for Gore. Gore didn’t even win his home state of Tennessee. I believe Tennessee’s Electoral votes would have given Gore the Presidency even if Bush had won Florida out right. (Need to check this out but Heather or someone should correct me.)
The Presidential Chess game is a foot. The pawns will fall. We must wait and see what King or Queen will vie against each other in November 2008. I hope a strong Third Party candidate doesn’t emerge. Ross Perot robbed enough votes to help the other Clinton win the 1992 election.
Again, I don’t always vote Democrat, I wasted my vote in 1992 on Perot. In 1976, I didn’t vote for the Democrat Carter verus the Republican Ford, but voted for Carter verus Reagan. In 1976, I didn’t believe the Democrat Carter had Presedential qualities and voted for the Republican Ford. “I’m not voting for a Peanut Farmer!!!”, I believe I told people in 1976. Ford was an ex-Congressman (ex-House Minority Whip), ex-Vice President, and President. And in the 1984, I voted for the Republican George H W Bush verus the Democrat Michael Dukakis. Michael Dukakis was clearly a bad canidate and had little Presedential qualities.
Love GC ;-)