Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Winner of Hillary's Campaign Song Contest

Celine Dion - You and I

I voted for the Tina Turner song. But the winning song is excellent.

Tina Turner - (Simply) The Best

And I would have been happy with Bill's choice.

Smash Mouth - I'm a Believer

Click on the following link for the Smash Mouth video- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B17W_HT3A9E

(Source for Celine Dion's picture - 8notes.com - http://www.8notes.com/wiki/images/205px-Wma.jpg or http://www.8notes.com/biographies/dion.asp )

(Source for Tina Turner's picture - Today powered by msnbc.com -http://msnbcmedia2.msn.com/j/msnbc/Components/Photos/050202/050202_today_turner_hmed7a.h2.jpg or http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6898775/ )

(Source for Smash Mouth's picture - Open Music - http://www.openmusic.ru/articles-respond-recenses/0486-smash_mouth2/0486-smash_mouth2_02.jpg or http://www.openmusic.ru/articles-respond-recenses/0486-smash_mouth2/index.shtml )

But, why all the fuss about a campaign song? ;-) GC

1 comment:

Unknown said...

GC-Because President Bill Clinton had "Don't Stop Believing" by Fleetwood Mac during his campaign. That's why all the fuss. I don't think any of them are more perfect than that one. My fave of the three is Smash Mouth's, I'm a Believer.

love -l