Saturday, June 16, 2007

What does not kill me . . .

What does not kill me makes me stronger.
-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
This quote came to mind as I read of Paris Hilton's fate, to be sent back to jail for her whole 45 day sentence.
I firmly believe that this judge will be reassigned to a different location where he won't come in contact with future celebrities since he seems to hate them all and just wants to throw the book at them.
He refused to listen to her attorney in chambers regarding her medical condition, which by now looks like a nervous breakdown. It is only human to make mistakes and instead of the big egos of men sparring with each other, they should take the time to consider that it wasn't her fault that she was released in the first place to home confinement.
I hope they take her to the hospital ward of the county jail system (USC County Medical Center) and get her some help for her medical condition instead of waiting until her condition deteriorates further. Just ask yourself how would you like it if this was happening to your son or daughter, neice or nephew?!
The people she surrounds herself with seem unable to stop the worst case scenario from happening to her. Like Sherriff Lee Baca says if you hate celebrities, puninshing them worse than average citizens is not justice either.
love -l
Click on the following - Paris Hilton turned herself in at the Men's Central Jail - Access Hollywood -
Click on the following - PARIS IN JAIL: The Music Video -
My response to -l:
Paris’s case doesn’t seem as critical as either OJ’s or Robert Blake’s murder trials. Drunk driving is trivial compared to murder. The media circus surrounding Paris’s return to jail is not an issue about truth, justice, or medical treatment. If not for fortune, fame, and fabulous looks; Paris’s jailing would have garnered not a second of media or a word of print.
I have heard and arranged the presentation of a MADD (Mother’s Against Drunk Driving) victim, speaker, and advocate. I was trained that – DRUNK DRIVING is a CRIME and BUZZED driving is as dangerous as DRUNK DRIVING. (And this applies equally to Driving on Drugs.) The truth is, regardless of medical condition, that Paris simply and clearly broke the LAW and violated her Parole.
(Paris could have easily weaved her car into an innocent driver or pedestrian. Paris’s late night run for munchies was a CRIME and not a cry for help and treatment.)
The Justice system should be impartial and treat all people equally. But, to most, including myself, celebrity and fame does affect what type of Justice one receives. The details of Paris’s unspecified "medical condition" could determine who made the right the decision. Whether Sheriff Lee Baca had valid grounds for Paris’s release to Home Detention or whether Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer sent Paris back to jail too quickly; could then be fully debated.

Some recent news on Paris:
* Click on the above for some current news on Paris - ONLINE in Touch

PS Not exactly a hard news story. ;-) GC

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Leslie, Seth and Janess all don't like Peanut Butter and Jelly. I'm the only one who eats that at our house.

Great post!!!

love -l